1) How was this book similar to Native Son? Well in comparison there was a lot of similarities like with the two main characters Lennie and Bigger they were both lost in society and mentally retarded had no real education of today's world all they thought about was their self and they really didn't love themselves that's why they ended up killing people cause they didn't have a heart nor did they belong in society. (Bigger Thomas killed Mary Dalton Lennie killed Curly's wife).
2) Could this have happened in the 70's? No not really because nobody was working on any forms unless they wanted to, and if anyone wasn't that bright far as books they were street smarty and had common sense. So basically in the 70's people started coming up off well fair food stamps etc.
3)What do you see as other possible outcomes of the book Mice and Men? Well other comes I thought about for this book I see Lennie, george , and Candy together for ever on their little farm house I see lennie tending to rabbits instead of him being dead over some girl who had bother him for attention just so he could comfort.
4) What was the problem with Lennie and George? Well george was basically looking after lennie because his aunt Clara died so he kinda took after lennie but the main problem was that lennie was mentally disable and where ever they went they couldn't stay there in peace.
5) Why did changes occur in the book? Because Curly's wife came along and wanted attention from all the men except her own husband and she prayed upon the wrong person which was lennie and she tried to tale to him about her personal life he couldn't even understand where she was coming from.
6)Would this information be useful if you had to write a report? Yes because the book itself is really self explanatory it breaks everything down from beginning to end.
7) What factors would you change if you change if you had to rewrite the book? Some of the factors I would change is Curly's wife I would of never made her talk to Lennie I would of set her up with slim so curly and slim can get into it over her. And I would let the old man die and just lennie and george get their own town house and live good maybe I would of switched lennie to the smart one and george to the dumb one.
8) What was the one turning point in the book? It would have to be my least favorite when lennie gets shot in his head by george for killing curly's wife because I thought they would always betogether.
9)What questions would you ask the author?
1) I would ask him why did he pick the characters he chose for the actors?
2) How did he plan to concept of the book?
3) How long did it take him to write this book?
4) Why was it so sad?
10) What were some of the motives behind the story? The character were because they brought the book to life if it wasn't for them the book wouldn't have been successful.
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