Monday, June 2, 2008

This is my service learning: On my thoughts like a Video tape but I didn't want to do a video so I posted this on here

Nutrition: Well so far my service learning experience for this year has been a complete disater in the beginning because the group members weren't really participating in anything. But now some of the things that are successful was going out for lunch to eat, and timing ourseleves to see if we makeit back on time was awsome and for 5/14/08 which was the day I made my petition on inproving school luches which was an idea from Ms. Lynn that I really took in consideration and it help me out a lot because I know everyone in the school is goingto want to sign it because we all want hot well prepared food to eat. Some of the challenges I faced in my group none so far after 6 meetings and I hopeI don't have to encounter any arguments because i'm just so sinceer about this service learning project that I can't focus on anything else but the improvement of the school lunch. Things I've learned so far was how to do food services, how to go travel to eat at restaurants during school, and how to make a petition. And different food restaurants food prices. Things that need to be worked on in our group is more research a data chart of some graph survey that we handed out 2 months ago which should change school lunching for next year.