The things i've learned from service learning last year was that tutoring: is fun where as your being a teacher, and sometimes boring based on the hot days, then kinda educational to me cause when your a teacher you learn along with your students and reacting with each other. But through that experience I would never do that again cause it didn't interest me at all but through that whole process I learned if you put forth the effort at the end of the year you would notice if the kids I've tutored learned anything . Mainly because it depends on the teacher and I learned then that when your teaching a student you have to take time out and really be patient to see how fast the child can adapt and where is the source of error where as they need help.
This year I would like to do a Moral cause I really want to travel around and design my own arts and just to experience something totally new instead doing the same old things the nature of service learning to me working but enjoying the process at the same time. Cause it really seems complex more up my alley really interesting and I could do lot's of research so that's why I want to this cause seems like something to sum down and just work hard at I guess.
Brief Reflecton of NHD: My NHD this year is moving pretty fast but i'm feeling really good about it cause me and my partner's Derelle Ivery, and Porsha Moore made it to city wide and i'm happy cause that such an success because last year i felt dissappointed cause I did a documentary and didn't win. Cause it was like my first time and my topic was HIV and AIDS and I had enough information I just chose the wrong person to work with but I really believe If I would have studied that project by myself I would have got very far but that's okay. This year was also kinda hard I think we didn't have enough time so it was kinda hecked so next year hopefully we will be ready and prepared so really in the process last year was better we had enough time and went to the National Constitution center this year we didn't but i still enjoyed our project and our presentation went really well so i hope we win world wide cause we're working hard me Derelle, and Porsha. 123
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Service learning/NHD Reflection pt.2
Posted by Antoinette at 5:51 PM 0 comments
Blum stock essonomy questions1-6
Describe what happened at the end of the night when bigger drove Mary and Jan home? He dropped Jan off at 46th street and he drove Mary home........ She was so drunk so was he. He had to take her to her room cause she was so drunk she couldn't make it up the stairs.
What do you think could of happened next? He could of let her find her own way to her room to avoid trouble or help her and put her in the bed but leave as fast as he can instead of trying to make out with her.
Could this have happened in 2008 today? Yes cause lots of people don't have no intentions on accidentally killing people but it happens anyway.
What do you see as other possible out comes? When they were all at the restaurant they shouldn't been drinking any alcohol that would of been less trouble.
Can you see a possible solution to Mary's murder? No cause bigger took it too far instead of just telling somebody it was accident, but no he put her body and evidence in the furnance I mean that was just so mean and cruel and by far one of the most brutal kill's I've ever read about, he must of really hated her cause she made him like a little kid cause he wasn't educated enough to understand where she was coming from cause she would ask him these little simple questions and he would stop and look and keep doing what he was doing and just think to himself and say what does she mean about man that girl is really crazy.
How would you feel if you accidentally killed someone?
I would be really scared but I would turn myself in because if I don't, the fact that I killed someone it would stay on my mind for the rest of my life and I would feel ashamed and miserable because when you take someone's life there's no coming back from that I mean once their dead their dead you can't bring them back and say oh my god it was an accident or I didn't mean to cause you can't so why not use your first mind and try to avoid things like that so you could live a good life and stay out of trouble. Cause when he drove her home he thought okay she's drunk and I'll let her find her way but no she started to stumble a little bit so he started to help her and all of a sudden her Mrs. Dalton walks in and he covers her face with a pillow like dumb are just so her mom wouldn't notice that anyone else was in that room he could at least covered her mouth with his hands so she wouldn't be able to say anything.
Posted by Antoinette at 5:29 PM 0 comments
English(Native son) Chpt.4"Yessum"
In this chapter bigger goes to meet with Mr.Dalton for a job. I title this chapter "yessum" because of the nervousness of bigger when he was being interviewed every question he answered "yessum"
- I think Richard Wright was trying to tell how blacks changed when they get around whites.
Maybe cause they were too intimidated by whites cause they weren't educated enough as they whites were but that wasn't the fact at all cause if you have support or if you believe in your self and your determined you will make it!
Posted by Antoinette at 5:20 PM 0 comments
Chapter 2 (Native son)
Antoinette Marks
Chapter 2
Was what Bigger heard about rich whit people really true? Was he going to work for people like they saw in the movies?
Okay bigger finally makes a decision whether he’s going to take the job or dig up 20 to spend on a movie to help ease his growing fears of robbing old blum. Him and Jack met up and went to the movie theater, and they masturbate while watching it and thinking of their girlfriends. After that, they discuss Bigger’s upcoming job interview with Mr.dalton. Bigger was so stupid he said he would rather go to jail than take a job through the relief agency. Then all of a sudden this newsreel begins, showing the young daughter of wealthy families playing on the beach in Florida. The thing that really caught bigger’s ,eye was Mary Dalton as she kisses a handsome man, well know as radical.
In this chapter, I see that most popular cultures serves as a release for bigger away to help him forget his misery but that it also serves as a form or inoctrination.
Posted by Antoinette at 6:00 AM 0 comments
Chapter 1( native son)
Antoinette Marks 2/26/08
Chapter 1 “Wake up”
“An alarm clock changed in the dark and silent room”
This chapter is based on waking everyone up that lives in bigger Thomas house. It is a dark a cluttered room which everyone slept, in and when one person got dressed the others had to turn their heads. I think that this chapter also is trying to wake up the society, which was letting them look at a reflection of how they looked and how their kids were involve with troubled neighborhood. I think it’s basiclly telling everyone to wake up and try harder do better for their self and their family.
Posted by Antoinette at 5:54 AM 0 comments