Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Antoinette's Beliefs

What do I believe when it comes down to Religon belief in school? I believe that Religon is a wrong subject to focus on in school because it will cause conflict with students and their different Religon beliefs and it would be a total disaster in our school and we don’t need that. Because that’s what Catholic school’s are for if we wanted to study Religon, since we’re not that we need to leave it alone cause are school is based on the Constitution only!

When it gets down to it everyone is looking at Religon from another point of view and we each have are own special Religon like mines is a Christian and “I don’t believe in another god, but the lord and Jesus Christ”.

Like for an example with the Bible Riots how people killed each other over different Religon it all started 150 years ago a guy name George Schiffler died on a Street in Philadelphia for being Roman Catholics, so the Philadelphia Riots attacked him and shot him.

I think none of this would have happened if their were no such thing as other Religon accept Christian nation .